6. Day Estella – Los Arcos 20,9 km

Today in terms of walking was optimal. Beautiful weather (until I reached the half of the course the sun didn’t shine), favourable character of the ground, short distance

On this sixth day wtihout any blisters (I only have 2 very big, on the two side, which doesn’t bother me at all and probably is because my shoes let in water) I would like to say big thanks and I am gratefull for Dr. Tálas Mária, who on the Mandala training (if only for this it would have been worthy to hold) told me the certain formula: every day before leaving I should put white vaseline on my feet.I am reporting that I have done it and it works. While suffer from the blisters I have no problem. I hope there would be a solution for my shoulders as well…

Leaving Estella the first sight is the famous wine well (you just open the tap and the red wine is flowing for free). There was a little crowd here, so I didn’t stand in line to take a photo, and wine is not my drink in these early hours (in late hours also).

A little later there was a unique situation, I could choose from two routes, I chose 2km less route. It was a little suspiciou, that everyone chose the other path (maybe they have read the guide book previously), but I didn’t regret it. In the next two hours I only met one person, and the path lead me through a beautiful forest. When this path rejoined the other, there team there asked me about the other route.

This was the first day, when after the route I was totally conscious. After taking a bath, I felt like walking in this beautiful, pleasant little town. I sat down in front of the church on the main square (which unfortunately was closed because of renovation) to write this blog post.

I just started writing when an asian guy asked me if I am a pilgrim as well. It turned out that he is from Korea and 50 years old. It is good for him that he can spend 40 days on Camino. I we spoke one hour. It is strange how small the world became. It is not a suprise to meet a korean IT engineer in the main square of a basque little town. He said he already met four of his fellow countryman in the past five days.

Later my scottish „friends” came, and seeing that I am writing on my Ipad, they showed that they also have one and inquired about the Wifi password. We started the same day with the scottish brothers. They are wearing scottish skirt and are always happy.

That’s it for today. I am beginning to enjoy Camino. I am not only dealing with defeating the distance and surviving, but also enjoying the effects and messages fot the route.

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2 Responses to 6. Day Estella – Los Arcos 20,9 km

  1. Szia Laci!
    Nagyon megdöbbentett, hogy volt egy képed a blogodon a maiak közül, amelyik annyira hasonlít Csobáncra, ahová megyünk 26.-án túrázni. Olyan jó érezni azt a boldogságot és szabadságot, melyet a képeid ( virágaid )és mondataid közvetítenek. Az élet csodaszép dolgai hevernek az út mellett, de amikor rohanunk észre sem vesszük őket.
    Remélem egy kicsit mi is beleszagolunk a szépségébe a Szimpátia Gyalogtúrán. A blogomon olvashatsz róla többet.

  2. Szia Laci! Szia Szabi!

    Én is csináltam egy kis hírverést a 26-i Szimpátia Gyalogtúrának:

    Még egy hírlevelet is ki fogok hamarosan küldeni. :)

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